July 9, 2006

MV Doulos, the non-profit charity cruise ship that sells books to raise money for charity, is currently in Port Klang from June 28 to August 1. It’s at Westport, by the way, at the StarCruise HQ, so take the Kersas Highway route and not the direct route to Eastport if you want to get there.

We went there this evening. I talked to the security guard at StarCruise who told me that there was always a big crowd visiting this ship on a daily basis, so do try to avoid going there at 2 to 4 pm if you can help it. They actually had to stop people from boarding the ship this afternoon!

The inside of the MV Doulos is stifling hot due to the crowd and inadequate fans installed around the place. The book selection is merely average, although the prices could be very reasonable at times. The largest section of books are devoted to Christian studies and devotion, which is to be expected, I suppose, but that means there isn’t much for me who are looking for more secular books to read. The fiction selection is nearly all inspirational fiction. Inspirational romances predominate and they are pretty cheap at RM12 for each trade paperback. I purchased a few of those Tyndale romances myself.

I also bought an easy recipe book for beginners (hardcover, RM32), a few classic novels at RM12 each, and some CDs (the only selection available are those of classical music played by unknown symphony groups and Christian artists) which cost RM24 to RM32 each. It’s a pretty satisfying shopping trip, even if we do wish there is some secular reading and music available for sale. But I suppose people looking to buy Bibles and books on Christian living would be having a ball on MV Doulos.

Oh, and there is an area where books are free. These books are not in good condition and have clearly seen better days, but I picked up a collection of kiddie romantic stories. Hey, don’t look at me like that. Each book has a gorgeous guy on the cover and it’s free!

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