Yikes! The moment you open the door, a deluge of water hits you and almost throw you off your feet.

Wait, what kind of room is filled with water and yet have a door for unwary people like you to open and cause a wet mess?

Sodden and unhappy, you peek into the next room.

Sure enough, it's now empty. The walls are still wet, with moss and lichen forming a gleaming-green lattice on them. The floor is slippery. Aside from that, the room has no distinguishing feature. Not even a fish?

What kind of room is this?

Then you hear what seems like cracking glass. You look up in alarm, and yikes, you realize that the ceiling is made of what seems like a thin sheet of glass. Over the room is what seems like... water? You seem dark shapes of what you hope to be fish moving in the waters above the room.

Worse, the ceiling is fast cracking all over. Trickles of water begin to drip down.

You spot two doors ahead of you.

You put your ear against the left door and hear sounds of water lapping. Oh dear, what's behind there?

As for the right door, you hear a weird humming. The sound doesn't seem like it comes from any creature you can identify, but it seems like a happy kind of humming.

Door Door


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